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Miyu is an artist who creates expression for decoration.



Cassily is a designer who creates concepts for purposes.



We aim to bridge art and design, aesthetic expression and functionality, craftsmanship and digital techniques. We both value emotional wellbeing to achieve the goal of bringing joyful moments to people.

私たちは、アートとデザインの架け橋を目指します。美的表現と機能性;職人の技能とデジタル技術. 人々に楽しい瞬間を届けるという目標の達成するために心の豊かさを大切にしています。

We also felt delighted when  we discovered something unexpected or playful.


Our journey started with a research trip.  

We went on a research trip from Nagoya to Kyoto, and Kyoto to Arita. We observed, experienced, and  learned so much new knowledge about making ceramics and what ceramics can bring.


To record our thoughts and inspiration we had during the trip, we used different research methods, which included: creating process diagrams, collecting textures, making collages and drawings

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We found inspiration from organic structures.
We also felt delighted when discovered something unexpected or playful.

有機的な構造物や滑らかな表面を見たり触れたりしたとき、私たちは満足し、安らいだ気持ちになりました.思いがけない発見をした喜び, モノと接するとき、私たちは感情を揺さぶられる.

Why We use Ceramic as a medium?

Clay has the ability to transform from refined and geometric to expressive and textured. The sensorial versatility of ceramics helps achieve a deeper emotional connection with the products and spaces we interact with, which is the goal of our project: building emotional connection.

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So, How might we use ceramic as a medium to design emotional delight?


Ideation Sketch

We started by making our own collaboration drawings, which are shown in the picture gallery on the previous page.

And then, we made more sketches based on our inspiration drawings.

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We are thinking by making.

Thinking By Making

After we made our drawing collaboration, we tried to apply the same type of expression to mockups. We worked with air clay, regular clay, and colored clay to create forms that we found delightful. Besides clay,  we tried to combine different materials to explore the various effects they can create. We discovered very interesting light, shadow, and reflection relationships. We also learned how color could create a visual delight.


Midpoint Report

3D Modeling

Before making the ceramic piece and 3d prints, we built models in 3d programs to better understand and refine the final forms. We created the workflow between SolidWorks and Brush.

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Color Testing

We tried mixing colors while creating gradients. It took us a long time to figure out which colors could work well together. Experimenting gave us the idea of making a color palette.We also explored color gradients by using airbrush. We sprayed both ceramic pigments and acrylic paints on ceramic and 3d printed pieces. Besides airbrushing, we also tried using powder coasting with slight oven temperature adjustment. The result was great, and the color power was baked inside the object.

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Color Story

We aim to create gradient. After exploring different color combinations, we decided to create a palette that is warm, expressive, energetic and motivating.




The Final Exhibition At TAMABI Library

© 2024 by Cassily Zhao.

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