By Google Nest.
Spring 2021-14 weeks
ArtCenter Class Project
(has no direct affiliation with Google Nest)
A Set of Accessories For Healthy Eating

Nouri Plate



Nouri App
01 The app generates a nutrition portion control plan for each individual.
02 The portion chart will be projected onto the Nouri plate.
03 Users can follow the plan and prepare meals on the plate.
What's Behind Nouri?
Google nest does the temperature regulation, making sure it’s not too hot and not too cold. Similarly, Nouri regulates nutrition intake, ensuring that the necessary nutrition is not too much or too little.

Nest Learning Thermostat

Nutrition Regulation

Why Nouri?
Diets always fail! Lack of knowledge,
special eating habits and lack of alternative options are hidden reasons.
Nouri reimagines nutrition intake and dietary patterns to promote health, reduce the risk of obesity, and meet nutrition needs.
It is designed to adapt to meet personal preferences, cultural habits, traditions, and even budget needs.

Calming Neutral
Softly Pigmented
Considered Comfort
Color Variation

Different Parts and How They Work
Most parts are made from Bioplastic. Each component is replaceable, meaning the product has a longer life span. The plate is sandwiched in the middle. And it doesn't contain any electronics, so it can be washed easily.
Nouri App
Nouri app is designed to adapt to meet personal preferences, cultural habits, traditions, and even budget needs.

Users would log in from here.
If they have family members, they can share one account.

Fill out the information to meet personal preferences, needs, cultural habits, and traditions. Users can also connect their watch with the app to monitor their physical activity.
Nutrition Quiz
Take the nutrition quiz to discover your eating habits and what your body is missing. Users will add food from Fruit, Vegetable, Grain, Protein, Dairy, and Comfort food. The app provides a report and generates a tailored nutrition plan.

Portion Chart Projection
When users get to this step, they have already gotten their own tailored nutrition plan from the previous quiz. And now, they can connect the app with the physical product (Nouri Plate).
When they are connected, the portion control chart will be projected onto the plate. Users can start preparing ingredients by following the chart. They can also choose to adjust the chart a little bit base on their appetite.
Resource & 3rd Party Vendor
Users can explore alternative ingredients in the Resource section. That way, they can get various food from each food group.
Nouri connects to the 3rd party vendor like Google and Youtube to provide users with recipes, tutorials, and relevant knowledge base on their nutrition plans.

App Interaction
User Interacting With The Plate